Thursday 8 September 2011

AS Coursework Revision

Digital Technology
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For the construction of out media coursework project, we used several different types of equipment. For our filming equipment we used a Canon camera to record our different scenes in which we would use to produce the opening scene to our work. We also used a tripod to steady our camera whilst filming. This came in handy on several occasions - it provided our opening scene with some useful shots, in which it gave our short clip some proffesional qualities.
As well as this, we used several programmes to help complete our work. Firstly we used Adobe Premiere Elements. This was probably the most frequently used programmes while doing our editing. The programme was used to allow our group to edit our footage. Taking out unnecessary footage and also adding final touches to our scene. Such as including background music and changing the contrast of our footage. It also let us use some effects, where we used a fade in and out effect to take us to different scenes of our opening clip. Another main programme that was used was blogger. This was to keep track of our work and allowed us to record our progress throughout the time of the project. It was very useful to be able to refer to the earlier work our group had done. It also let us see where we needed improvement. It was very convenient and let others also keep track of our progress. As well as Adobe and Blogger, we used youtube. This showed us many different videos, which all could be related back to our opening scene. The comparison between our footage and the clips we found on the internet helped to improve the overall standard of our final product. It let us get new ideas which was all put towards our work to help achieve a greater standard.
Several sites were also used, where we could get uncopyrighted music. We tested several different sounds, before deciding which one would be the final one to use with our completed product. Once we chose, we used Adobe to put the music with the video

How did you use media forms to come up with something new and original?

Different media forms were essential throughout our work. Such as the use of youtube where we watched several extracts from films. When we were able to gather a basic understanding on what the theme of our work would be, we started watching youtube clips that we could use as a reference to our own work. Some of the clips were The Shining, The Ring and The Grudge. All of these clips were very useful, most likely due to the horror essence that could be related to our own work. 
Every clip we watched, had a horror element - which we were aiming for in our own work. Perhaps not to the high standard to the films we watched (although still pleased with our final result).  Watching the clips, helped to shape our story line. The darkness of the colours in the clips also was another deciding factor for when we edited our footage. As seen in our final product, we chose to keep the main structure of our footage in black & white
To decide our 'costumes' we analysed the clothing worn in the clips we saw on youtube. This helped to create the theme of our work, keeping the setting dark

Research and Planning
How effective was the research and planning that you under took in helping you create your media project?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Using conventions from real media texts
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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