Monday 14 November 2011

Lighting & Sound


Our film will consist mostly of dark, dim shots. But due to filming purposes, we will begin to record footage early evening as it will be too dark, and before closing time for Polsden Lacey. We have chosen to film it in dark secluded light as it is a popular cliche of horror films. They normally take place in a dark emptiness, which will really emphatise the isolation of our characters. With limited sight, it will also impact the audience as they will be left more clueless as to what is going on


We will be having the voiceover throughout part of our teaser trailer. However to make the audience feel uncomfortable, we will also be involving high pitched sounds. The reason for this is because these sounds are what people aren't used to hearing, it will make the audience feel stressed as it's a sound we don't associate to. 
So far we have thought of two ways to use our sounds efficiently. These are:
  1. We hear the sound every so often, to make sure it doesn't overshadow our teaser trailer. As well as still being able to hear the dialogue clearly
  2. Our second way to use our use of sound it to have a gradual build up. As the teaser trailer comes to a end, we will have the sound getting higher in pitch and louder, ending it dramatically, which will leave a bigger impact on the audience as it increases the tension.

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