Thursday 8 December 2011

Shot List (Research & Planning)

Shot Description
Audio and Dialogue
Graphic shot of Institution #1 (Alliance)

Graphic shot of Institution #2 (IM Global)

Mid-Shot (MS) of the female character explaining the story of the haunted house.
Character tells the story – the shot shows her start but it becomes a voiceover in the next few shots.
Zoom in to a High Shot (HS) of the gate/wall.
Quiet, eerie music as the shot is shown and the character voiceover is heard.
There is an Establishing Shot (ES) of the house, which then becomes a Panning Shot (PS) of the house, possibly at a low angle to show its superiority. It then leads on to a PS of the grounds – showing isolation.
These shots have a voice over of the female character’s voiceover explaining the story and the history of the house/grounds in depth.
There is then a MS of one of the characters, who has just heard the story, who looks around at the others and dares them to spend the night in the grounds.
One character dares them all to stay the night there.
There is a silence except for diegetic breathing.
Then a Close-Up (CU) of another character who accepts the dare.
Another character accepts the challenge.
A MS of the characters standing by the entrance with their sleeping things and a tent.

A Long Shot (LS) shows the characters settling in to their tent.
There is general conversation (diegetic) and are taking their situation in a light-hearted way.
The same LS, but a short while later when the characters are asleep.
No non-diegetic sound until the shadow of a ghost girl is reflected on side of the tent – there is a loud bang. A Few characters stir. 
There is then a MS of the characters running from the tent, their faces then becoming CUs as they run towards the camera.
Diegetic sound – screaming.
A female character runs through the grounds, a MS shows this and she keeps looking back. She stops running and hides in a bush (CU), behind her the ghost girl appears and she is dragged in.
Non-diegetic sound: fast paced, suspense-filled music as she runs.
Diegetic sound: heavy breathing as she hides away, then a scream as she is dragged into the wilderness by the ghost girl.
One character runs across the bridge and the camera zooms onto the opposite over-path to show the ghost girl.
Non-Diegetic sound: low and slow as she scans her surroundings.
14 - 20
There is then a montage of shots – merged together from the different locations at Polesden.
Non-Diegetic sound: continuing on from the previous shot – the music gets faster and higher in pitch.
Diegetic: screams, few words, breathing
The shots fade out and the screen turns black.

Title card quickly fades into the screen
‘Lost Soul’
Vague titles fade in.
‘Coming Soon’
One final shot; one character holds the torch to their face, scares the group then laughs.

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