Wednesday 11 January 2012


A prop is defined as a portable object other than furniture or costumes (mise-en-scene) used on the set of a play or movie. In our trailer we will most likely have small props that are stereotypically found in horror films.

One main prop will be the tent that the characters stay in at the beginning of the trailer, it can act as the 'safe' point for the characters and become a meeting place whilst the girls are being hunted and haunted by the ghost.  The characters will have sleeping bags too, but these will be irrelevant to the story, simply being used to created convincing mise-en-scene.

Other props will be much smaller and more compact, making them easy to carry. These objects, such as phones, sweets, food, water etc. will be held in a bag owned by the characters. These will be referred to by the characters within although they will hold no purpose to the story. 
The phone, probably a popular BlackBerry or iPhone, could be used by the characters to call for help, only to find out there's no signal, rendering it useless. Another object will be a torch which the characters will rely on when they try to run and hide from the pursuing ghost.

Whilst running from the ghost, the characters will have to rely on the torch to give them light; they will be too scared and in a panic to collect any other items, making them more useful for mise-en-scene.

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