Monday, 12 March 2012

Editing (12th March)

Today, three days before we show our trailers to our class for feedback, we began to edit more of our footage. On Adobe Premiere Elements we cut out more footage to reduce the overall time of our trailer, because we have opted for a teaser trailer, it must be between one or two minutes, otherwise it could be classed as a theatrical trailer. Today, we cut our footage down from around 5 minutes to about 1 minute 30 seconds.

Once we had cut the amount of footage down, we began to add some effects. One effect was the dip to black transition between a shot of the character played by Ana, who is explaining the situation, into the next tilting shot of the house at Polesden Lacey, called 'Alcott Manor' for our film. The computers we were using were running slow so we have yet to add other transitions and effects. We are planning to use quite a few fade in and black shots in our trailer, similar to the style seen in the Woman in Black (2012) teaser trailer.

We filmed our shots whilst it was light, because of the opening hours of the National Trust house, so we needed to darken the images to make it appear to be night time, a stereotypical convention of a horror film. To do this, on our selected shots we then changed the contrast. By doing this we selected the colour balance HLS x3 to create an dark enough picture that didn't distort the images or look to artificial.

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